As a note - It may still be a good idea, but I care less after some thought:
Originally I was trying grab the last number of items in a table (something similar to your code in prompt.arc where you are grabbing/printing the last n items passed into the repl).
When using a list, as you had, we can easily grab the last 'n' items in the list since lists maintain order.
(= records* (list "record 1 text" "record 2 text" "record 3 text" "record 4 text" "record 5 text" "record 6 text"))
(def lastn (n nlist)
(firstn n (rev nlist)))
arc>(each record (lastn 3 records*)
(prn record))
record 6 text
record 5 text
record 4 text
However if storing the data in a table it's not as clear grabbing the last n items since tables have no inherent order.
as you can see this isn't as straight forward:
(= records* (obj 1 "record 1 text" 2 "record 2 text" 3 "record 3 text" 4 "record 4 text" 5 "record 5 text" 6 "record 6 text"))
arc> (each record (firstn 3 (sort > (keys records*)))
(prn (records* record)))
record 6 text
record 5 text
record 4 text
so I had hoped 'for' in reverse would be cleaner...
arc> (for i (len records*)(- (len records*) 3)
(prn (records* i)))
record 6 text
record 5 text
record 4 text
record 3 text
only after re-writing I noticed that I was getting too many results thus ended up having to hack:
If my hope was to make the code more readable, it didn't work.
So.... instead I wrote 'grab':
(def lastn (n nlist)
(firstn n (rev nlist)))
(def grab (which n them (o sop nil))
(case (type them)
table (case which first (if (no sop) (firstn n (sort < (keys them)))(firstn n (sort sop (keys them))))
last (if (no sop) (firstn n (sort > (keys them)))(firstn n (sort sop (keys them)))))
cons (case which first (if (no sop) (firstn n them)(firstn n (sort sop them)))
last (if (no sop) (lastn n them) (lastn n (sort sop them))))))
And now I feel it's much more readable + works on both lists and tables:
arc>(each record (grab 'last 3 records*)
(prn (records* record)))
record 6 text
record 5 text
record 4 text
[EDIT] - Hadn't thought about it until now, but it has re-use even if the table doesn't have nums for keys, it would also work on other keys (example grabbing the last n items of alphabetical order). Anyway... don't spend time on re-working 'for' it it doesn't help anyone else.....