Seems like something weird is going on with 'readline: a call to the last header line (which should be a line made only of "\r\n") reads a line starting with a newline (something that shouldn't happen). For example for it reads "\n<html><head><link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"\">" instead of an empty line. As a consequence, the header terminator isn't found and the whole page is considered as an header, thus failing to parse it. I wonder why...
It seems partly a problem with srv.arc, it seems it doesn't correctly use \r\n, only \n ~.~;
See in srv.arc:
(def header ((o type textmime*) (o code 200))
(string "HTTP/1.0 " code " " (statuscodes* code) "
" serverheader* "
Content-Type: " type "
Connection: close"))
Inspecting the file, they seem to be \n's only, not \r\n
A second problem lies in 'readline:
(def readline ((o str (stdin)))
" Reads a string terminated by a newline from the stream `str'. "
(awhen (readc str)
(writec it)
(whiler c (readc str) #\newline
(writec c)))))
It has to do with the fact that it reads in a character, BUT DOESN'T CHECK THAT THAT FIRST CHARACTER IS A NEWLINE. The only check done is with the second character read.