| The critiques regarding Common Lisp usually concern the fact that the implementations are not practical: no straightforward way to deliver an application, a lot of little small problems to setup a working environment together with a set of libraries. If you use a language as Perl, you can get up and running in a few minutes, while with most CL implementations you need a few hours to set up SLIME, install a set of compatible libraries, etc. I think that Arc should solve these problems before improving the language itself. In other words, we should give higher priorities to the implemenation rather than to the language. This means getting a good standard FFI, a module system, useful practical libraries (BTW, I've just started a simple XML parser on Anarki), an IDE (or at least good editor support) and a simple way to install all this. I think this would be a better way to attract people to lisp rather than developing a great language that is difficult to use for practical projects because of many little problems (i.e. you need to get exactly version 352 of mzscheme to run Arc2.tar, you need to start it from the installation directory, etc.) What do you think about this? |