I don't have fancy HTML-generation w/callbacks, but here goes:
use Continuity;
Continuity->new->loop; # This starts the webserver
sub main {
my $request = shift;
$request->print("<form><input type=text name=foo><input type=submit>");
my $foo = $request->next->param('foo');
$request->print("<a href='.'>Click Here</a>");
$request->next->print("You said: $foo");
Using Catalyst, a Perl version might look like this:
package ArcChallenge;
use strict;
use Catalyst;
use Catalyst::Action::REST;
my @said;
sub index : Action ActionClass('REST') {}
sub index_GET {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->res->body( "<form method=post><input name=said><input type=submit>" );
sub index_POST {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
my $n = push @said, $c->req->params->{said};
$c->res->body( "<a href='/said/$n'>Click Here</a>" );
sub said : Regex('^said/(\d+)$') {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->res->body( $said[ $c->req->captures->[0] - 1 ] );
Bit clunky as yet, but work's underway to tersen up the syntax. (For anyone interested in how this will be implemented under the hood, the magic CPAN incantation is Devel::Declare. However it's a months-old work in progress so docs are minimal.) Once done it will remove most of the repeated boilerplate bits in the above code (eg. the assignments from @_ to unpack the parameters).
package CatArc;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Catalyst qw/Session Session::Store::FastMmap Session::State::Cookie/;
our $VERSION = '3.14159265359';
sub index : Index { } # No need to do anything
sub landing : Local {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$c->flash->{said} = $c->req->params->{said};
sub display : Local { } # Do nothing
sub end : ActionClass('RenderView') { } # Do a magical nothing.
Plus templates, for crying out loud. They exist for a reason. TT used for the sake of "everyone knows it": index.tt and landing.tt are as good as static, containing just a form and a link resp. display.tt contains "You said: [% c.flash.said %]".