If you're programming "the arc way" you probably have a lot of data in nested tables. Here is a pretty printer that generates a properly formatted table of your data, with optimal columns widths, cropped oversized fields and sorted rows and columns. Example: > (prettytab (obj bob (obj age 29 favorite-color 'light-pomegranate-pink gender 'male)
alice (obj age 25 favorite-color 'red)
lisa (obj age 32 gender 'female)))
Generated Output: |age|favorite-color |gender
alice|25 |red |
bob |29 |light-pomegr...|male
lisa |32 | |female
All key and attribute types are allowed. By default, fields over 15 characters in length are ellipsized. Nils are shown as an empty field.Here's the source: (def abbrev (x (o n 15))
(let k (tostring:disp x)
(if (len> k n)
(+ (cut k 0 (- n 3)) "...")
(def pad (str n)
(string str (n-of (- n len.str) #\ )))
(def prettytab (tab)
(apply map
(fn fields
(prall fields #\newline "|"))
(let f (fn (col)
(withs (abcol (map [abbrev (or _ "")] col)
wid (apply max (map len abcol))
padwid [pad _ wid])
(cons (padwid:car abcol) (cons (string:n-of wid #\-) (map padwid cdr.abcol)))))
(let items (sort (compare < string:car) tablist.tab)
(cons (f (cons nil (map car items)))
(map (fn (att)
(f:cons att (map [cadr._ att] items)))
(sort (compare < string) (dedup:mappend keys vals.tab)))))))