here's a ruby version a bit closer to the original. there's a bunch of support and then process roughly corresponds to said above
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'mongrel' class FooHandler < Mongrel::HttpHandler def initialize @fnids = {} @c = 0 end def new_fnid(proc) @c += 1 @fnids[@c] = proc @c end def query_params(request) request.class.query_parse(request.params['QUERY_STRING']) end def pr(response, html) response.start do |head,out| head["Content-Type"] = "text/html" out << html end end def w_link(response, link_text, &block) c = new_fnid(block) pr(response, "<a href='?fnid=#{c}'>#{link_text}</a>") end def aform(response, form_html, &block) c = new_fnid(block) pr(response, "<form><input type='hidden' name='fnid' value='#{c}'>#{form_html}</form>") end def process(request, response) if (fnid = query_params(request)['fnid']) @fnids[fnid.to_i].call(request, response) else aform(response, "<input name='foo'><input type='submit'>") do |req1, resp1| w_link(resp1, "click here") do |req2, resp2| pr(resp2, "you said: " + query_params(req1)['foo']) end end end end end :port => 8080 do listener {uri "/", :handler =>} trap("INT") {stop} run end.join