well, we can closure the methods with the constructor function so they aren't duplicated, at the expense of explicitly requiring the object to be passed to them, or some kind of dispatch mechanism. we can also implement simple inheritance:
with (apply or ...) we could have a long inheritance chain, but here i have just two objects so the pattern is clear. we can then define objects like so:
(let _proto (obj
full (fn (self) (string self!first " " self!last))
until (fn (self year) (- year self!age)))
(def person (first last age)
(inherits (obj
_proto _proto
first first
last last
age age)
arc> (= p (person "joe" "momma" 18))
arc> (p!full p)
"joe momma"
arc> (p!until p 22)
arc> (= q (person "axe" "murderer" 10))
arc> (q!full q)
"axe murderer"
arc> (q!until q 22)
because the inheritance is dynamically dispatched or whatitbe, we can alter the methods with the intended effects:
arc> (q!backwards q)
Error: "Function call on inappropriate object nil (#<procedure>)"
arc> (= ((q '_proto) 'backwards) (fn (self) (string self!last " " self!first)))
arc> (q!backwards q)
"murderer axe"
arc> (p!backwards p)
"momma joe"
arc> (= ((q '_proto) 'until) (fn (self age) "a long time"))
arc> (q!until q 22)
"a long time"
arc> (p!until p 18)
"a long time"
note the 'inherits' function is agnostic. we can inherit from arbitrary objects and functions or what have you, just that in this case it was used to inherit from a hidden prototype
anarki supposedly has user definable syntatic sugaries, so the (q!blah q) pattern could be sugarized