(mac nobj args
" Creates a table from the list of variables passed to it; each variable's
name is keyed to its value. E.g. if x = 10 and y = -10, then (nobj x y)
results in #hash((y . -10) (x . 10)).
See also [[obj]] [[table]] "
`(obj ,@(mappend [list _ _] args)))
^^ Of course you don't: just tell Arc about what you do remember, and it'll tell you more about related things you might want to look at too:
arc> (help map)
(from "arc.arc")
[fn] (map f . seqs)
Applies the elements of the sequences to the given function.
Returns a sequence containing the results of the function.
See also [[each]] [[mapeach]] [[map1]] [[mappend]] [[andmap]]
[[ormap]] [[reduce]]
Documentation for saferead (from "arc.arc")
[fn] (saferead arg)
Reads an expression, blocking any errors.
Use (quit) to quit, (tl) to return here after an interrupt.