| What are the reasonable alternatives to Arc with respect to developing
web apps using a Lisp? Ideally, a solution would include the following: 1) Core language is a Lisp
2) Basic Lisp web server (cookies, sessions, etc.)
3) Interface to PostgreSQL and/or MySQL
4) Regular expression library
5) Multiple public sites exist
I currently develop web apps using Ruby/Rails, and I'd really like to
experiment with a Lispy alternative w/o having to experience lots of
trial & error by evaluating many alternatives personally. A
continuation server would be nice, but not required.I think Arc has the potential to fill this role eventually, but the
lack of an RDBMS interface is currently a deal breaker. The lack of a
regex library is merely a nuisance. Lastly, the lack of any news from
the front, and the possibility of having to port application code with
each new release for a while puts a damper on the enthusiasm. From my limited research, it appears that the PLT Web Server is worth
considering, and for a Common Lisp alternative, it seems Hunchentoot
with CL-SQL & CL-PPCRE has possibilities. But, the difference between
theory and practice is much greater in practice than in theory. Has anyone deployed a public Lispy web app (however small) and would
like to share the URL, deployment details and their opinion of the pros/cons of the
solution? |