There is a function called 'isnt' I did not see mentioned in the tutorial.
arc> (isnt 1 2) t
There's subseq, which is sort of like nthcdr but works on lists and strings (any sequence), and takes the seq before the n.
arc> (subseq "uh, hello world" 4) "hello world" arc> (subseq (coerce "uh, hello world" 'cons) 4 9) (#\h #\e #\l #\l #\o)
arc> (last '(fee fie foe fum)) fum
arc> (adjoin '(1 2) '((5 3) (1 2) (7 4))) '((5 3) (1 2) (7 4)) arc> (adjoin 1 '(2 3 4)) (1 2 3 4)
arc> (consif 'sugar '(coffee cream)) (sugar coffee cream) arc> (consif nil '(coffee milk)) (coffee milk)
Make sure you read *.arc after the tutorial to really get a feel for the language.