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2 points by kennytilton 6208 days ago | link | parent

No, I did not submit this. Bad form, old chap.

I chose not to submit anything, because it would just turn into a silly game. If I wanted to make my point, I would simply itemize all the capabilities of loop, but that would be too big a task.

Delete everything but the "Pfft!" and you have my contribution.

6 points by kennytilton 6208 days ago | link

Here's my damn submission:

  (defun ix-render-oblong (lbox thickness baser slices stacks)
  (unless slices (setq slices 0))
  (unless stacks (setq stacks (if (zerop thickness)
                                  0 (min 10
                                      (max 1  ;; force 3d if nonzero thickness
                                        (round (abs thickness) 2))))))
  (when (eql (abs thickness) (abs baser))
    (setf thickness (* .99 thickness)))
  (trc nil "oblong" baser thickness etages)
    with theta = (/ pi 2 slices)
    with etages = stacks ;; french floors (etages) zero = ground floor
    with lw/2 = (/ (r-width lbox) 2)
    with lh/2 = (/ (r-height lbox) 2)
    with bx = (- lw/2 baser)
    with by = (- lh/2 baser)
    for etage upto etages
    for oe = 0 then ie
    for ie = (unless (= etage etages)
               (* (/ (1+ etage) etages)
                 (/ pi 2)))
    for ii = (if (not ie)
                 0 ;; throwaway value to avoid forever testing if nil
               (+ (* (abs thickness)
                    (- 1 (cos ie)))))
    for ox = lw/2 then ix
    for oy = lh/2 then iy
    for oz = 0 then iz
    for oc = (cornering baser slices) then ic
    for ic = (when ie
               (cornering (- baser ii) slices))
    for ix = (- lw/2 ii)
    for iy = (- lh/2 ii)
    for iz = (when ie
               (* thickness (sin ie)))
    do (trc nil "staging" etage ie)
    (gl-translatef (+ (r-left lbox) lw/2)(+ (r-bottom lbox) lh/2) 0)

    (with-gl-begun ((if ie
      (loop for (dx dy no-turn-p)
          in '((1 1)(-1 1)(-1 -1)(1 -1)(1 1 t))
            ;;for dbg = (and (eql dx 1)(eql dy 1)(not no-turn-p))
            do (destructuring-bind (xyn0 ix0 iy0 ox0 oy0) 
                   (cons (+ (if oc (/ theta 2) 0)
                           (ecase dx (1 (ecase dy (1 0)(-1 (/ pi -2))))
                             (-1 (ecase dy (1 (/ pi 2))(-1 pi)))))
                     (if oc
                         (case (* dx dy)
                           (1 (list (* dx ix)(* dy by)(* dx ox)(* dy by)))
                           (-1 (list (* dx bx)(* dy iy)(* dx bx)(* dy oy))))
                        (list (* dx ix)(* dy iy)(* dx ox)(* dy oy))))
                 ;; --- lay-down start/only -------------
                 (when ie
                   (ogl-vertex-normaling ie xyn0 ix0 iy0 iz))
                 (ogl-vertex-normaling  oe xyn0 ox0 oy0 oz)
                 (trc nil "cornering!!!!!!----------------" dx dy)
                 ;; --- corner if slices and not just finishing strip
                 (unless no-turn-p
                   (trc nil "------ start ------------------" (length oc)(length ic))
                   (loop for (oxn . oyn) in oc
                       for icrem = ic then (cdr icrem)
                       for (ixn . iyn) = (car icrem)
                       for xyn upfrom (+ xyn0 theta) by theta
                          do (macrolet
                                 ((vtx (elev gx sx gy sy gz)
                                       (when (minusp (* dx dy))
                                         (rotatef ,sx ,sy))
                                       (ogl-vertex-normaling ,elev xyn
                                         (incf ,gx (* dx ,sx))
                                         (incf ,gy (* dy ,sy))
                               (trc nil "ocn icn" oxn oyn (car icrem))
                               (when icrem
                                 (vtx ie ix0 ixn iy0 iyn iz))
                               (vtx oe ox0 oxn oy0 oyn oz)))))))
    (gl-translatef (- (+ (r-left lbox) lw/2))
      (- (+ (r-bottom lbox) lh/2)) 0)))
Macroexpand that. :)


4 points by kennytilton 6208 days ago | link

"I would simply itemize all the capabilities of loop, but that would be too big a task."

Oooh, look! Someone did it for me:


2 points by vsingh 6208 days ago | link

Sorry about that! I overassumed. I'd change it to "vsingh submits the following" but it won't let me edit it anymore.

Thanks for your new contribution.


1 point by kennytilton 6207 days ago | link

New contribution?! That was a joke, a painful transliteration of a couple of pages of graph paper formulas and diagrams working out the parameterized construction of a 3-dimensional button out of insanely small OpenGL atoms, including the torturous calculation of normals to support lighting.

I steered this thread to the Common Lisp Hyperspec entry on loop. By reading that and examining your own use of Arc iterators you can deduce how it can express them all more briefly and with fewer parens. That immediately helps the hacker over one bump... when it is time to iterate I type "(loop " without thinking and just take it from there -- no worrying about whether it is a sequence, list, or hash table, or whether I will need temp variable to be defined in a let/with statement, loop includes a mechanism for that, etc etc etc...
