| I was kind of banging my head against the wall trying to get this to work on Windows without just unpacking the arc .tar and then pasting the contents of the arc0 folder directly into the directory MzScheme is in, but I got it working after digging around in the MzScheme docs on their site a bit. Assuming you have MzScheme in C:\mzscheme and arc's files in C:\mzscheme\arc0\, the following batch file will start arc: @echo off
cd c:\mzscheme
mzscheme.exe -m -d arc0\as.scm
I tried everything I could think of to get it to work with the 'load' flag (-f) and couldn't get it working (it appeared to open as.scm fine, but flail and die when as.scm asked for ac.scm). The 'load/cd' flag (-d) seems to work fine, and testing code from the arc tutorial works ok.If anybody knows of a reason that doing it this way is a bad idea, let me know please. |