| I've started writing a parser combinator library that I hope will be useful for writing a proper implementation of markdown (and more). I haven't used it for anything except mucking around in the repl yet so there may be glaring bugs. If you're familiar with the Parsec library[1] for Haskell you should feel rather at home. [1] http://legacy.cs.uu.nl/daan/parsec.html Eventually I'll clean it up more and commit it to the git anarki, but for now you can get the code here: http://samhuri.net/parsecomb.arc Primitives are: any-char, (char "x"), (not-char "y"), (one-of "abc"), (none-of "123"), digit, space, spaces. Combinators are: alt, seq, many, many1, and try. Comments, suggestions, and criticism are all appreciated. |